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Utah Program FAQs

What is OpenEd?

OpenEd is a tuition-free, public school program that provides a personalized education experience for students in grades K-12 who reside in Utah. Our program helps students gain valuable tech and entrepreneurship skills that will allow them to be successful in college, career, and life. We believe that students with a strong foundation in creativity, innovation, technology, and business are poised to change the world for good. See Our Story

How and when did the OpenEd program begin?

In 2009, a group of passionate parents, certified teachers, administrators, technology enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and business leaders partnered with public schools to create a new, innovative education model focused on creating unique, personalized educational experiences for every child. See Our Story.

Why focus on technology and entrepreneurship?

We believe America was founded and thrives on the principles of innovation and entrepreneurship. We also believe a strong foundation in technology is critical for current and future success in college, career, and life.

In which states is OpenEd available?

OpenEd is currently available in Utah, Oregon, and Kansas. We are continually growing, so check back regularly!

Is there a fee to participate?

The OpenEd program is 100% free to all participating families.

Is OpenEd an online public or private school?

Neither! OpenEd is a personalized education program administered by these public schools (both district and charter). Students in the OpenEd program are full-time public school students and are assigned to a School of Enrollment based on various factors, including grade level and location.

Are the classes all online?

That’s up to you! Classes can include your choice of online, in-person, and/or hands-on educational resources. Learn more about your options here.

Will my child have a teacher?

Yes! Every student has access to a state-certified Homeroom Teacher who can provide guidance and support to help them progress during the year. Homeroom teachers review your child’s Weekly Learning Logs and provide positive feedback and ideas to enhance learning.

What are Weekly Learning Logs?

A Weekly Learning Log is a short summary of the student’s educational activities. It is how students demonstrate active participation in the program and serves as an official attendance record. Weekly Learning Logs are required, and may be submitted by the parent or student via video, Google Docs, a family blog/digital journal, or by simply typing directly onto the provided page. You choose which method is best for you!

Which curriculum can I use?

We enable parents to use the curriculum that is best for their unique students, so the universe of options is endless! Learn more about your options.

What does a typical student schedule look like?

Student schedules in grades K-12 are for a full school year and include the following:

Period 1: Homeroom (All students have access to a teacher and unlimited digital curriculum)

Period 2: Math

Period 3: Language Arts

Period 4: Science or Social Studies

Period 5: Technology or Entrepreneurship

Period 6: Core or Elective subject of your choice(Optional)

Period 7: Another Core or Elective course

See our course catalog of MTH Direct options and/or choose a 3rd Party Provider or create your own Custom-built courses.

How much involvement is required of the parent?

That’s entirely up to you! Depending on the curriculum and classes you choose, your role in supporting your child can vary from subject to subject.

What options are available for my child to connect with other students?

There are many opportunities for children to connect with other students while enrolled in the OpenEd program. We offer field trips, showcases, social teams and clubs, and in-person, group classes, to name a few! Learn more about the MTH Community.

Additionally, students of any age can participate in extracurricular activities at their local district school. Plus, students in grades 7-12 may take up to two on-site classes at their local district school as part of their approved OpenEd schedule.

What if my child struggles with motivation?

You’ll be amazed at what happens when a child is allowed to experience a truly personalized education. Finding what works best for each child empowers them to love learning and expand in ways you never thought possible. For additional support, you have access to a state-certified Homeroom Teacher. These teachers are available to provide suggestions, ideas, and resources to support your home-centered education.

Can my child work at his/her own pace?

Yes! If you create your own Custom-built course, you can pace your student accordingly. MTH Direct classes offer self-paced, teacher-led, and in-person options, some of which provide pacing guidelines. Students earning a diploma or Early College Credit have additional requirements to follow regarding specific deadlines in each course. Learn more.

What is a Technology Allowance?

A Technology Allowance is an annual subsidy for each student to ensure they have access to a computer, high-speed internet, and a webcam. If these needs are met, you may use Technology Allowance funds for other approved educational resources to supplement your student’s learning experience.

What are Homeroom Resources?

Homeroom Resources are free resources to assist you in teaching your child. Programs include comprehensive K-12 core curricula, engaging science videos, math puzzles and games, ACT Prep resources, an online library, and more! These are accessed through Homeroom.

What if we travel a lot or want to go on a vacation?

Awesome! The OpenEd program offers families the freedom and flexibility to travel as education can happen anywhere. Learning on the go may look different than a typical school day at home, but academic experiences while traveling can be summarized in the Weekly Learning Logs. We love to hear what students learn in their travels!

Are students required to take standardized state tests?

All public school students need to either take the state tests OR submit a test opt-out form.

Can students with special needs participate in the program?

Absolutely! Students of all ability levels are welcome in the OpenEd program. Special Education services are provided through the Special Education team of the student’s School of Enrollment.

Application Process FAQs

What does the application process look like?

There are 3 simple steps (learn more about the process here):

1. Apply - Complete a short application and get access to Parent Link, your source for all program details.

2. Enroll - When the application is accepted, submit an Enrollment Packet online.

3. Design - When the Enrollment Packet is approved, design your student’s ideal educational plan in our Schedule Builder.

When can I apply to the OpenEd program?

We accept applications every day of the year! Once you apply, you will be sent a link so you can verify your email; please be sure to do that within 24 hours.

When will I hear if I have been accepted into the program?

Letters of Acceptance are issued during these months:

  • for the full-year program: April - July
  • for the mid-year program: October-November
  • Once you get a Letter of Acceptance, you can begin the enrollment process by submitting an Enrollment Packet. Students will receive a final confirmation of acceptance once a complete Enrollment Packet is received.

    Do you accept new students during the school year?

    OpenEd accepts applications through July 15 for enrollment in a full-year program (August-May) and through November 1 for enrollment in a mid-year program (January-May). We do not have a first semester only option.

    Do I need to file a Homeschool Affidavit with my local school district?

    No. Students participating in the OpenEd program are full-time, public school students and should not file a Homeschool Affidavit.

    When should I notify my prior school that my child is withdrawing and enrolling elsewhere?

    Once your student’s Enrollment Packet has been accepted, please notify them of your student’s withdrawal.

    What if I change my mind after I apply?

    If you submit an application and then decide OpenEd isn't the right fit for your child, you have no obligation to enroll.

    What if I decide to withdraw after the school year has begun?

    Review the guidelines found in our Withdrawal Policy as there may be repayment requirements for early withdrawal, and then fill out the Withdrawal Form in your InfoCenter account.

    What if we move during the school year?

    The OpenEd program is intended for students who participate for the full school year. Once the school year begins, if you need to withdraw, please review the guidelines found in our Withdrawal Policy as there may be repayment requirements for early withdrawal, and then fill out the Withdrawal Form in your InfoCenter account.

    Kindergarten FAQs

    What is the Kindergarten age requirement?

    Students must be five years old on or before September 1st to enroll in public school.

    What does a schedule for a student in Kindergarten look like?

    Student schedules in grades K-12 are for a full school year and include the following:

    Period 1: Homeroom (All students have access to a teacher and unlimited digital curriculum)

    Period 2: Math

    Period 3: Language Arts

    Period 4: Science or Social Studies

    Period 5: Technology or Entrepreneurship

    Period 6: Core or Elective subject of your choice(Optional)

    Period 7: Another Core or Elective course

    See our course catalog of MTH Direct options and/or choose a 3rd Party Provider or create your own Custom-built courses.

    Do Kindergarten students receive a Technology Allowance?

    Yes! The Technology Allowance for students, including those in Kindergarten, is $500 ($250 for those enrolling mid-year).

    Grades 7-8 FAQs

    Can my child take some classes through My Tech High and some through my local school?

    Yes! With the local school’s approval, students in grades 7-12 can choose the Split Enrollment option and participate in up to two classes at their local boundary district (not charter) school. These on-site classes need to be part of, not in addition to, the student’s OpenEd schedule.

    Can my child participate in public school sports teams, clubs, and activities?

    Yes! Students may participate in their local school's extracurricular, school-sponsored activities. If a team requires enrollment in a specific class in order to participate, students would need to qualify for Split Enrollment.

    Grades 9-12 FAQs

    Can my child take some classes through My Tech High and some through my local school?

    Yes! With the local school’s approval, students in grades 7-12 can choose the Split Enrollment option and participate in up to two classes at their local boundary district (not charter) school. These on-site classes need to be part of, not in addition to, the student’s OpenEd schedule.

    Can my child participate in public school sports teams, clubs, and activities?

    Yes! Students may participate in their local school's extracurricular, school-sponsored activities. If a team requires enrollment in a specific class in order to participate, students would need to qualify for Split Enrollment .

    Can my child take a Release Time class (i.e. LDS Seminary)?

    Yes! As Release Time is outside the public school system, any religious classes will not be reflected on a OpenEd schedule.

    Can a high school student earn credit towards an accredited diploma?

    Yes! Students in grades 9-12 can choose to be diploma-seeking and graduate with a high school diploma. Curriculum choices for diploma-seeking students are limited to specific OpenEd Direct options. See our Course Catalog for details.

    Does OpenEd offer credit recovery options?

    No, OpenEd is not a credit recovery program.

    Will my child be able to get into a good university?

    Yes! Since 2009, students from our program have attended universities of their choice, including Stanford, Harvard, BYU, University of Utah, Utah State, and many others.

    Do you offer Early College Credit options?

    Yes! We offer options for students to earn Early College Credit, including through Split Enrollment, online and on-site courses, and CLEP/AP exams. Project- and competency-based options are also available through many different colleges and universities.

    Can a high school student earn an accredited Associate degree?

    Yes! We partner with two full-schedule programs that can lead to an Associate degree: Southern New Hampshire University's competency-based education program and Ignite Learning Early College.

    Need additional help?

    We’re here for you! Reach out to us directly so we can address your question as quickly as possible.

    Contact us

    If you have questions, please reach out!
