Grades 3-12 (Ages 8-18)
Website: Gizmos
Available By Request in InfoCenter
Gizmos features more than 450 interactive, standards-aligned, math and science virtual simulations, labs, and STEM activities. Real-life STEM Cases put students in the roles of professionals tasked with solving real-world STEM problems. Gizmos uses an inquiry-based instructional approach that promotes investigation and discovery, covering scenarios both real world and abstract. Interactive “what-if” experimentation allows students to learn by doing as they explore a concept or phenomena and then apply it to new situations and problems.
What's Available:
Browse content by academic standard, grade, topic, and core curriculum
Explore topics including Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and more
Printable lesson materials for each Gizmo
Learn More:
Watch an Introduction to Gizmos
What is a Gizmos STEM Case?
Preview a Student Exploration Worksheet
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