Grades K-12 (Ages 5-18)
Website: Lexia Learning
Mode: My Tech High Mentor-Supported
Supplemental Curriculum
Lexia offers two high-quality literacy programs tailored to elementary and secondary students:
Lexia Reading Core5 for grades K-5
Lexia PowerUp Literacy for grades 6-12
Lexia Reading Core5 is a research-proven program that accelerates the development of literacy skills for students of all abilities, helping them make the critical shift from learning to read to reading to learn. The program creates personalized learning paths for each student through an adaptive placement and scaffolded activities that align with rigorous state standards and include the six components of reading -- Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Structural Analysis, Automaticity, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.
Lexia PowerUp Literacy is designed to accelerate literacy gains for struggling and non-proficient readers in grades 6 and above. It also benefits on-level readers who could use extra practice in Academic Language, Grammar, Deep Reading, and Text Analysis. The content of the program is rooted in research about adolescent learners and built on a pedagogical framework that supports their unique learning needs.
Demo Account Information:
- Fill out this form to request a demo of Lexia.
What's Available:
A teacher account for parents to facilitate Lexia Lessons and print independent offline activities from Lexia Skill Builders
Learn More:
Read an Overview of Lexia PowerUp
To access all 21 levels of Lexia, view the System Requirements
Contact us
If you have questions, please reach out!