Grades K-6 (Ages 5-11)
Road to Success
Website: Road to Success
Available By Request in InfoCenter
Road to Success is an incentivized reading program that utilizes rewards and Beanstack, a fun, online platform designed to motivate young readers. Students participate in reading challenges and log their reading time to earn prizes and entries into a bike giveaway. Prizes include food and activity vouchers, bookmarks, colored pencils, and more! Once three prizes have been earned, students begin to earn entries into a school-wide bike giveaway.
Additional available activities include monthly reading challenges and a spring Read-a-Thon, where each school’s top reader will be entered into a drawing for a $1,000 scholarship account.
Please note that we will need to collect mailing addresses for Road to Success to mail vouchers and prizes to your student. Vouchers may take 4-6 weeks to arrive but are valid until the beginning of next school year.
What's Available:
Gamified reading incentive
Reading challenges and prizes
User-friendly approach to encourage student independence
Learn More:
Learn more about the Road to Success Story
Explore Beanstack
Contact us
If you have questions, please reach out!