Grades 6-12, Ages 11-18
Sneak On The Lot
Website: Sneak On The Lot
Mode: My Tech High Mentor-Supported
Supplemental Curriculum
Sneak On The Lot is a virtual educational suite of courses, utilities, and tutorials for young filmmakers. Whether they aspire to be directors, editors, or cinematographers, the curriculum provides the foundation and resources for them to succeed in the dynamic world of filmmaking.
Discover the Lot, an interactive, gamified platform where students learn about the filmmaking process and make their own films. A series of 10 fully interactive modules guide students through the process and provide an in-depth look at many different crew positions. Debut your own films in the in-platform theater, where you can also review other student films, partake in challenges, and earn rewards like Heat and Fame.
Sneak On The Lot curriculum meets national educational standards, providing a structured framework that supports academic goals while fostering creativity and technical proficiency in filmmaking.
Demo Account Information:
There is currently no demo available for this program.
What's Available:
10 Filmmaking Modules to work through. Once the first three are completed sequentially, students can choose how to work through the rest. Note: EditMentor add-on courses are not available through OpenEd.
Movie-Making Tools such as a Music Library, Stock Footage, Sound Effects, Script Library, Interviews with Professionals, and more
Sneak On, an interactive, game-based website where students can share films, interact with other students, and work to break into the real entertainment industry.
Sneak On includes three layers of security:
A dedicated server where OpenEd students can only interact with each other
The ability to completely block any player
An observation account available for any parent who wishes to monitor their student
Learn More:
Discover the heart behind Sneak On The Lot: to use filmmaking and storytelling as a therapeutic and non-violent means of expression
Contact us
If you have questions, please reach out!