Grades K-2 (Ages 5-7)

Waterford Early Learning

Waterford Early Learning is a self-paced, comprehensive, technology-based early reading and math/science program with integrated assessments. Instruction is designed to be student-friendly for independent use and includes a rich multimedia platform with activities, books, and songs to enhance learning. Personalized learning software adapts automatically to give each student a unique learning experience tailored to his or her own skill level and pace.

Waterford does not recommend that students exceed 30 minutes of program use daily. Studies show that students best retain the information when playing 5-6 times a week for 15-20 minute sessions. This keeps students from burning out or becoming bored.

Demo Account Information:

  • There is currently no demo available for this program.

What's Available:

  • Parent accounts to view reports/progress throughout the year

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